
Board of Directors - Application

Cheyenne Chamber Singers Board

Job Description

Cheyenne Chamber Singers is a non-profit organization designed to promote the musical growth
and quality of vocal singing and to encourage greater appreciation and enjoyment of vocal music
in the Rocky Mountain Region.
Cheyenne Chamber Singers is seeking to fill vacancies on its Board of Directors. Interested
applicants should return a completed application form to the form below.
The CCS Board of Directors consists of singing and non-singer community members who assist
in the transaction of business for the organization. Board members may serve up to two
consecutive 3-year terms.

 Assist with the development of an annual budget to be adopted at the annual meeting
 Provide oversight to ensure the financial stability of the organization
 Evaluate progress toward the long-range plans of the organization

Key Duties:
Be an active board member
 Regularly attend board meetings and actively participate
 Serve on at least one of the standing committees or subcommittees:
Artistic, Marketing and Communication, Patrons, Performance

 Attend the Annual Meeting
Actively promote CCS in the community
 Attend CCS performances and special events
 Assist in the growth and financial well-being of CCS individually, by promoting CCS in
the community, and by soliciting sponsors
Time Required:
Time investment varies, but should include attendance at board and committee meetings,
as well as at performances and special events.

Potential board members should have an interest in Cheyenne Chamber Singers and its
mission, as well as the time and commitment to carry out the duties and responsibilities.

CCS Board Application

Step 1 of 2

Your Personal Information

Your Name
Your Email Address